#Day62 - Check your sources

I was a very vocal Hillary supporter. I felt it was my duty, as the attacks on her character were endless and endlessly confusing. I heard crazy stories about Hillary having women assassinated while she was Secretary of State, claims I had never heard before and was shocked by.
Each time a Bernie supporting friend would attack her on Benghazi, which the 800+ hours of hearings determined was not her fault, or claimed she ruthlessly attacked other countries while Secretary of State, I would start researching for the truth. A truth that was impossible to find, as it wasn’t the truth. 

As is becoming transparently clear now, thanks to great investigative journalism from the Huffington Post and Rachel Maddow, we, the progressive people, were pitted against each other by foreign entities, most likely Russia.
Bernie supporters were fed just believable enough news about Hillary Clinton that Hillary Clinton supporters never saw.
It was quite effective as it caused in fighting, which, by the way, is still going on in smaller doses…just imagine if we didn’t have a common enemy.
Also imagine if Russia wasn’t controlling our minds and Bernie supporters weren’t reading fiction about Hillary Clinton and, instead were able to get excited about her like Hillary supporters got excited about Barack Obama. I know what you’re thinking, it was easy to get excited about Barack Obama, he was so inspiring.
With that assumption and I know I’m making a big assumption, I will remind you as it is my duty, that Hillary Clinton was and remains that most experienced Presidential candidate in our history.
For 30 years the GOP spent hundreds of millions of dollars to defame her. For 30 years she withstood the vitriol and hate because she believes that she is on earth to do all the good she can, for as many people as she can, for however long that she can. Remember when she put ego aside and went to work for Barack Obama after a very nasty loss. Remember that she was pivotal in helping 8 million children receive healthcare before there was ever a healthcare bill.
Remember she fought for us. For women, for child, for all Americans.

She said it first and she said it often.

 I know it know longer matters as she is not our President, our candidate, nor is she running again and nor is she running for Mayor of New York (check your sources).
We are still susceptible to their influence and we need to be aware of who our provides news. If the Ads show photos of people with boils or talk about traitorous trump’s IQ, or his families, it is not REAL NEWS.
It's important to recognize the effectiveness of these cyber attacks. They got into our psyches and they divided us. They designed it for us to not be able to work together.
This is why I repeated say, we need to know and live our values, as we are humanitarians and conservationists. We vote for the whole of America and with that grounding, we will be stronger against cyber attacks and will find it easier to support a range of progressive candidates.

You can do the digging as the facts are becoming clear and as Rachel Maddow said last night, it’s still happening. These sites and bots still exist.
It well worth your time to watch Rachel Maddow’s show from last evening for the details.

As a Republican Congressman from I don’t remember told NBC reporters that he is voting NO on Trumpcare because he had 235 constituents call against the repeal and 4 call for the repeal.
We’re dialing for our lives and for the lives of our brothers and sisters.


1. Call your Congressperson and say NO to trumpcare. Less than 1 minute of your time. 

2. Call your Senators and ask that they POSTPONE THE GORSUCH VOTE during Russian investigations.

And if there is a vote, NO WAY on GORSUCH.

He repeatedly sides with corporations. That’s what got us here to begin with. Holy hell.

This means an open-door (fully transparent) bi-partisan investigation not an investigation by congressional committees, which is what we currently have. We cannot depend on the GOP to be unbiased, especially after they spent Monday going after the leakers and not focusing on the investigation.


We are #strongertogether. The regime will topple. It's happening right this very moment. Slowly but surely. At least that's what I'm hoping.

Love and gratitude to you -

:: genessa

The Golden Calf


I watched The Big Short (again) over the weekend. It was more shocking watching it now in our overtly corrupt America than it was a few years ago.
It’s vulgar actually. Vulgar that not a single criminal bank or banker were held accountable. They were rescued. They were hand slapped (maybe). They were essentially given permission to continue scamming, deceiving and profiting while Americans lost their homes, their livelihoods, their American dreams and the possibility of a prosperous future.

Many of us were wakefully asleep when the economy crashed. Many of us were living large and fat and carefree. We were blind to the suffering of others and mad with our desire to consume consume consume. I know I was.
Our lust for stuff was electrifying.
The Regime has been good for the economy. Yes, Obama bailed it out and yet the stock market continues to over-perform even knowing this president is a traitorous liar, potentially treasonous, totally corrupt, mentally unstable, a fraud and yet, what we revere most, the dollar, is doing well for those who control it. It's so confusing.
Today is the first day I’ve seen losses in a long time. Perhaps Russia is less good for the economy?
Seattle, where we live, is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States.

There are cranes everywhere and massive holes in the ground as old buildings are being ripped from their roots for new shinier objects. It’s about density and prosperity and innovation. And yet, you can’t drive under any bridge or freeway overpass without seeing villages of tents, garbage, of lives forgotten.
Children live in those tents. Babies are born in those tents. It’s not just random single men; its entire families who lives were stolen while we were worshipping the false god, the golden calf. Remember the story of the Moses and the Ten Commandments? How while Moses was gone to visit god and the people had some time to kill so they built a calf out of gold and began praying to the gold.
Somehow along our way, in our great American experiment, we too wandered too far into the desert and began worshipping a golden calf.
Since the election, since our day of wokeness, we feel the pain that so many of our American brothers and sisters felt daily before the election, at least that’s how it was for me, recognizing my own wakeful sleeping where I was properly outraged at all the right times and yet, complicit because after the outrage, I went right back to where I was before, right back to my life.
Not only did the election wake us up to the scary reality of corruption, distortion and false idols, it has woken us up to the divide, not the divide in conservative and liberal ideologies but the divide between putting myself first vs. taking care of others.

I truly believe that’s the difference in our values – voting for myself, my own issues or voting for the whole of society.
In our massively growing city, a very progressive activist very wealthy activist wants to raise property taxes to end the homeless problem. I’m happy to contribute to ending homelessness and yet, there are others who even a slight increase in expenses put them at the same risk for the problem we’re trying to solve.
I write all this, as the thing that repeats itself over and over to me, is what do we value?
What gives our lives meaning?
How do we care for one another?
What are we willing to sacrifice to make sure we end this period of massive destruction and greed, of massive cruelty, of governing that destroys so much that we hold dear?
I believe it’s only a matter of time before this regime topples and yet it’s not just this administration.

There are too many in power who have disdain for women, earth, immigrants, people of color, indigenous people, poor people, water, etc., etc.

We didn’t get here over night; it’s been coming for years. And we let it happen because things were good enough for us.
While we are the holistic voters, we are the people who vote for the good of all of us, we are also the people who are being called to recreate the American experiment.
We are the people who need to know what we value so we can lead with our values.
If we value freedom, equality, education, the environment, healthcare, you know the list, what are we willing to sacrifice to ensure those values are preserved and thrive?
I know making daily calls is hard. I certainly don’t feel like doing it every day. It’s a chore. I know getting asked to donate money constantly is a nag; it really bums me out that money is what wins elections. I know it’s easier to order on Amazon, I do it all the time, and yet Amazon advertisings on Breitbart, Amazon is helping fund the lies and hatred.
I grapple with all of it. I feel guilty and consumed. I feel sick. I want to shut it out and yet if I do, I am part of the reason we are here. I am accountable to my country, to my brothers and sisters.
There are so many suffering in ways I may never understand. I want to ease their burden, as that is what freedom and liberty mean.

This great American experiment isn’t about me having while my neighbors live in a tent without heat, electricity and plumbing under a freeway overpass.
We can solve this together. We must solve this together. It’s a hard and painful fight and it doesn’t end when the regime topples. It ends when we value people and the environment more than profits.


1. INSIST the STOP the GORSUCH HEARINGS! How can we even entertain this candidate when our president is under investigation from Russia? I'm serious. This is absurd.
2. Tell them you're opposed to Gorsuch's confirmation.
3. Demand an INDEPENDENT investigation into Russia (outside of what's going on today and will continue in the Senate next week). We need the truth and the GOP was more focused yesterday on leaks than outrage at what is really happening.

DONATE to Jon Ossoff in Georgia. He is under attack by GOP PAC money and we need this win!

Love and gratitude to each of you. Thanks for allowing me to share my passion, my outrage and my belief that we are stronger together.

:: genessa.

HUGE DAY! Live Russia Hearings & Gorsuch



The House investigation into Russia's influence on our elections has started. You can watch live here. Or on Fox. Guess that means trumpy is watching.

Additionally the Gorsuch hearings start today. Very big day. Chuck Schumer is calling for a mandatory 60 votes for confirmation. McConnell would like to change the rules so that only 51 votes are required. Gorsuch has repeatedly ruled in favor of corporations over workers. He is dangerous to women's reproductive rights. He is an extremely conservative judge who won't represent the whole of America. 

Our work today is threefold, quick and super easy.


1. INSIST on a 60 vote confirmation for Gorsuch.
2. Tell them you're opposed to Gorsuch's confirmation.
3. Demand an INDEPENDENT investigation into Russia (outside of what's going on today and will continue in the Senate next week). 

In regards to the Russia investigation, please read Louise Mensch's piece in the NYTimes.


Love and gratitude -

:: Genessa

Keep watching as things are accelerating


Remember how time was moving after Nov 9th? Well, it seems to be speeding up. Accelerating even. Perhaps it's coming off the rails sometime soon.

There's just so much happening and so many good people who uncovering and analyzing the details that I'm going to avoid a recap and encourage you to watch Rachel Maddow 9pm EST on MSNBC or online, follow Louise Mensch on twitter and follow Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin on Facebook. Three brilliant minds guiding our resistance. 

Since it's Friday, I like to conclude the week with gratitude for the good. We all know there's been plenty of crazy happening and it will continue to play out. We also know Friday's in trumpville are extra insane so good news goes a long way.

Judges in Hawaii and Maryland once again fend off the discriminatory #MuslimBan. trumpy is appealing the Maryland court. Keeping my fingers crossed. 

Maddow, always Maddow. Many were disappointed in Rachel's tweet about taxes and then only having two pages of a relatively good 1040. So, she tweeted she had "trump tax return" and then didn't immediately topple the regime. Disappointing I know. Facts are Maddow is staying on the Russia story, following the money trail, asking the right questions like nobody's business. She's heroic and I for one tune in every night at 6pm, just like my grandparents used to do, to watch the evening news. She's got it going on!

What do you think happened in the Senate Intelligence Committee meeting with Comey?!! These two came out visibly rattled. I'm hopeful that there is something so egregious that the regime topples and they all end up in jail. So hard to know. Click the photo to watch the video. Feinstein and Grassley are totally freaked.

Such a huge relief to see that the Dutch victory. 82% of eligible voters voted. Record numbers to topple hatred. If 82% of Americans voted, we would be a VERY progressive, innovative, energy efficient, equality oriented country. And we'd be so bored by the wonkishness of our first female President. Oh what I'd give to be bored.

Representative Jessica Farrar from Houston introduced a bill in Texas congress that would fine men $100 for masturbating as an act against an unborn child. Isn't she spectacular?! Make it personal to drive the point home. Bravo!

THERE WAS NO WIRETAPPING. Of course Spicy keeps saying something happened. And trumpy can't stop saying it but you know, he's unstable. Every GOP fool is now confirming that there was no evidence of wiretapping. Andy Borowitz wrote the funniest piece on it. It's well worth a minute of your time as we enter the weekend.


Love and light to you friends. Restore. Revitalize and get ready to dial on Monday. It's always about Russia and taxes and we'll be mentioning the budget, healthcare and Gorsuch in there too.

Big Comey showdown on Monday. Rest up.



Deepest of gratitude to you!

:: Genessa

March Madness

#Day54 - It's time for them to go!

I woke in the middle of the night thinking about Bannon.

Bannon was registered to vote in multiple states. It doesn't matter though, because he's above the law.

Bannon spreads lies, hate and deception. It doesn't matter though, people drink it up like water. Dirty, polluted water that will make them sick. It never quite quenches their thirst and they just keep drinking. 

Bernie Sanders recently visited McDonnell County, a West Virginia town so poor that the Walmart closed. I keep replaying the words from the miner who just wants to work. He knows mining will ultimately make him sick but the money is good. He wants work and he wants access to "hospitalization". Interesting choice of words. He believes Trump. He needed to believe Trump. He struck as a bright guy who's sick from drinking their dirty water. Bernie told him there is clean water to be had.  Question is, does he believe him?

Nicholas Kristof of the NYTimes wrote a brilliant piece about Jesus and Paul Ryan. Jesus wants to teach Ryan to love and care for those in need. Ryan, befuddled, insists that Jesus see the light and join him to heal the rich. Doesn't Jesus know they can make a profit together? C'mon Jesus, stop caring as you're only making it worse, the poor must work harder.

Look at the image above. This is the Regime's budget. 10% increase in military spending while cutting everything else that keeps us safe, healthy, innovative,sane, connected, whole, human. The increase for veterans is good. It stops there.

Who needs the EPA?  They'll drink the polluted water we give them. Who needs agriculture services? They can eat the mad cow. Health and Human Services, that's so 2016. Trash it. And #Trumpcare, there is nothing caring about sentencing millions of Americans to a slow painful death. 

They believed the lies. Some still do. I wouldn't be surprised to see a drop in microwave sales. 

All of this remains so confusing. How can people so cruel and heartless be in charge? Why does desperation cause so many to wear blinders? Why in times of great need, do we not see the pathway out and instead believe the con artists?

And how is it that there are so many atheists among the progressive set and, yet, it is we who are walking in the light of Jesus.

OUR CALLS have never been more urgent. NEVER BEEN MORE URGENT. They are hurting EVERYTHING we hold dear and NOBODY will come out unscathed.


Stay outraged. Stay focused. Stay engaged. 10 minutes of calls a day. Be relentless. Be focused. Make calls in the name of democracy, in the name of love.

Keep walking in the light.





And while you're on the phone - TAXES!

This is March Madness. The games have begun and the insanity of 50+ days of the regime is doubling the madness. Let's get them out of here. We can do. We are always #strongertogether. 


In love and gratitude -

:: Genessa



There is plenty of there there. We simply need to get our elected officials to do the right thing.

 Rachel Maddow is doing a GREAT job. Louise Mensch is overturning the truth like crazy. Everything is interconnected and the regime is super corrupt. 

The question is why are our elected leaders choosing Russia over America? Why won't they demand trump's tax returns? Why do they refuse an independent investigation? Why do they want 24 million Americans to be uninsured over the next 10 years? Why are they passing laws to ruining the environment, to give businesses the power to genetically test their employees, to rip apart immigrant families who have been in this country for decades?

These are greedy heartless people.

And we are heart felt people. 

Squeaky wheel, heartfelt people.

We deserve the truth. We deserve equal rights. We deserve clean air and water. We deserve quality education. We deserve a country that puts people over profits. 



1. Call the Senate Intelligence Committee Members. Demand an open complete investigation into Trump's ties to Russia and demand that they release his taxes. 

This is a VERY long list so call as many as you can. Make calls with your neighbors. Remember that every call does matter and these elected leaders work for us and do crumble under pressure from constituents.

(Thank you for this list Cindy Millman).

Put pressure on your Governor to put pressure on the house and Senate. When people don't have health insurance and end up sick, in the ER and unable to pay, it's the State that will cover the cost. This should have Governor's outraged. (Dianne Cohen, thank you for this idea).

Squeaky wheels are stronger squeaking together.


Love and gratitude -

:: genessa

Gather and conquer


Last night approximately thirty neighbors gathered in a local community center to write postcards for the Ides of Trump event.

We wrote to Presidents' Bannon & little donny, the members of Congress and our representatives. We wrote pleas for sensible governing and thank you notes to those standing up for our democracy.

We laughed imagining the various scenarios of our postcards arriving at the White House including interns reading the mail, calling us snowflakes and libtards and shredding our pleas to the regime to care for all people of our already great country. 

We gathered in politically active community and regardless of what happens to the millions (I hope!) of postcards arriving from all over our country, we felt better. Action feels better. Being together feels better. 

It always good to be in community. Longevity experts say having a strong community is a leading factor in living a long and healthy life. Face to face community, not virtual. Physical gatherings. 

Being in community while doing good for our country, for our fellow citizens, for our families, for our communities,

I have to say, nothing feels quite as good as that.

I left feeling buoyed.
Feeling nourished by my neighbors.
Feeling inspired by the women who organized the event and feeling in hope for our future. 

I felt in love and in belief that together we will continue to gather and conquer this regime.

I know we will. I know we can. I believe in the power of us.



1. CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES - SENATORS AND CONGRESS PEOPLE ABOUT THE HORRIBLE HEALTHCARE BILL & CALL IT TRUMPCARE (this is the one thing he explicitly said he doesn't want named after him. Ironic isn't it?)

The Republican repeal bill already passed through two committee votes in the House of Representatives last week, and is expected to pass through more this week.
A vote by the full House is expected as early as the end of next week.
In order to stop this bill, we need 21 Republicans and all Democrats to oppose it. Right now, only 8 Republicans are on record in oppositionWe need more votes.
14 million Americans will lose their insurance by 2018. We know those families. 24 million Americans will lose their insurance by 2024. That's 4 million more Americans than gained insurance through Obamacare.

Bannon's White House is attacking the bill and Paul Ryan so maybe they self destruct. Breitbart is actively slamming the billing and Ryan. Nevertheless, WE PERSIST.


a) While you're on the phone with them, keep mentioning taxes, Russia and Jeff Sessions resignation.

2. STEVE KING (R - IA) ADMITTED TO BEING A WHITE SUPREMACIST. Call his office and demand his resignation. 202.225.4426

Call Paul Ryan (202) 225-3031 and demand Steve King's resignation. While on the phone with Ryan's office, tell them you don't support TrumpCare and it's a terrible bill. All Americans deserve healthcare. We want his healthcare.

3. CALL YOUR CONGRESS PERSON AND URGE THEM TO VOTE NO ON H.R. 861 which will destroy the EPA quicker than Scott Pruitt.

Then call Scott Pruitt (202) 564-4700 and tell him Climate Science is real and profits over our environment is corrupt.

SCRIPT:  "I urge you to vote no on H.R. 861, “To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.” The EPA is essential for protecting our environment. If it were eliminated, we’d lose important safeguards for our air, water, and climate. Please stand up for our environment by opposing this bill."


Rep Jamie Raskin speaks the truth on the GOP craziness. 
Flash mobs all over Sweden marking International Women's Day. And I can't get enough of this song!

We are stronger together, much stronger together. And it's not us vs them even though it feels that way and I often position that way. It's all of US together.

Together we don't divide. Together we gather. We gather and conquer the corruption. We conquer the greed. We invigorate the LOVE, HOPE, AND GOODNESS of  people and our country.

Together we can.



In love and gratitude -

:: Genessa

Actions from Indivisible!

#Day52 - Spicey signals we're a nation in distress.

Focus on healthcare, taxes and bad congressional bills. 


A) TRyanCare aka TrumpDon'tCare aka Our Future Without Health Insurance. 

House and Senate Republicans are trying to repeal the ACA before the next big recess begins April 7. 

Let your Congress person know that you against the rushed, impractical, and unjust legislation. 

Last week, two Republican Members of Congress went on television to promote the disastrous repeal bill and admitted that they have no idea how many of their constituents are currently insured under the Affordable Care Act—embarrassing!

House Republicans moved their repeal bill ahead in the House Ways & Means and Energy & Commerce Committees this week without a score from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) revealing how much the bill is going to cost. So much for all that talk of fiscal responsibility!

The score will be coming as soon as today, and Republicans know it’s going to be bad—that’s why they’re already at work trying to undermine the CBO. Meanwhile, a study by the Brookings Institution estimates that at least 15 million Americans will lose health insurance. This is completely unacceptable—and your MoCs need to keep hearing that message from you.


MORE CALLS FOR YOUR CONGRESS PEOPLE. TELL THEM TO SUPPORT H.Res186 to provide Trump's taxes from 2006 - 2015.


The Searching for and Cutting Regulations that are Unnecessarily Burdensome (SCRUB) Act (H.R. 998) would create an unelected board to make recommendations to Congress on cutting regulations. This may not sound like a big deal—but it is. It’s a quiet way to give big business a big gift: the end of regulations essential to protecting our environment, health, and workplace safety. This bill has already passed the House and is currently before the Senate.

The Senate is also considering the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (S. 21), which requires congressional approval for a huge number of regulations. This bill would put corporate lobbyists in the driver’s seat—taking aim at the health and safety protections Americans depend on. REINS is a truly reactionary, fundamental reworking of the federal government, and not in a fun way. It’s been called “the most dangerous bill you’ve never heard of.” 


4. Republican State Rep Lawrence Lockmen from Maine said "if a woman has right to an aboration, why shouldn't a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman." Let's let him know why - 207.460.6518 (mobile), 207.287.1440 (office)

Looking ahead: Stop Gorsuch.

America has never been more in need of an independent judiciary. With President Trump escalating his attacks on our most basic rights, the courts are our last safeguard. And with the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch, a right-wing apologist (more conservative than Scalia!), to the Supreme Court, Trump has made it clear that he hopes to enshrine his agenda through our nation’s judiciary too.

That’s why we’ve joined The People’s Defense, a campaign bringing together grassroots activists to fight the appointment of any Supreme Court Justice who will not stand up to this president. Gorsuch’s first hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee is March 20, and Senate Republicans are trying to force a final vote before Senators go home during the April recess.


JON OSSOFF running for Georgia's Congressional 6 seat and KATHRYN ALLEN running against the fool of all fools Jason Chaffetz in Utah. 


March of Trump postcard campaign on March 15 - https://www.theidesoftrump.com/#theidesoftrump


love and gratitude -

:: Genessa

Women roaring

(Lady Liberty lights went out last night. Coincidence?)

We come in all different shapes, sizes and colors. We come as creator. We are warriors. We are goddesses. We are lovers.

We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, best friends forever, wives and soul mates.
Many of us bare the fruit of life and care take the hardest and most glorious moments life has to offer.
We HAD grown accustomed to being under valued, under paid, assaulted, raped, accused, cat-called, criticized, demeaned.
We endured pussy as metaphor for weak.
There is nothing weak about pussy.
There is nothing weak about us.
You try doing it backwards and in heals.
As a young child, I rarely wore a shirt or shoes. When I did, I wore a red t-shirt with a rhinestone shooting star on the front of it. I swear every time I wore that shirt, I would see a real live shooting star in the night sky. Makes me wonder why I didn't wear it more.
I played with Barbie and Ken. Mostly naked. The dolls, not me. Mostly with Ken’s head on Barbie’s body and Barbie’s head on Ken’s body.
I wasn’t a girlie. I was wild. Rugged. Dirty. Princesses, dresses, dolls, princes - they weren’t my thing.
I remember early my father telling me I could do whatever I wanted to do, something about not letting my being a girl, or maybe he said woman, hold me back. He told me that nothing could hold me back.
I also remember my mother telling me about using my gender in a way that would make people give me what I wanted. I knew what she meant, even at a young age, that I could play the woman card so-to-speak and get certain things. She wasn’t referring to jewels or clothes; she was giving me practical tips on negotiating deals at the auto-body shop.
Both messages made sense and both were confusing. They were trying to tell me something very important, that I wasn’t equal. And that I was.
I went to an all-girls High School where I learned to demean myself and compete with other girls. I was painfully aware of not being anything enough – not attractive, smart, bitchy, funny, popular enough. In high school I learned I wasn’t enough because I was a woman.
It was then that the grip of misogyny fully grabbed hold and dug it’s way into my membrane. I became skilled at catty, mean, judgmental and self-loathing.
It didn’t help that I was in love with all of my best girl friends. That my sexuality was bursting through seams. There were no role models to show me the way.
My saving grace, the warrior beating down the myth was Joannie Parker, my high school woman studies teacher. Mrs. Parker and Adrienne Rich and May Sarton and Georgia O’Keefe and Madonna. Madonna knew that to succeed you have to play a game that eviscerates women and manipulates men. She didn’t want to do it. She had no choice. She described the experience perfecting when accepting the woman of the year award from Billboard Magazine. It’s well worth the watch. Madonna embodies all of us.
I learned early about the triple threat of misogyny – the self-deprecation, the woman on woman competition or violence as I believe it is and the world under valuing us.
It never made sense. It was manufactured. I always knew it was wrong and I was wrong in believing it was true.
I was the type of woman who was painfully aware of being the only woman in the room.
At Microsoft I was acutely aware of others claiming my ideas as their own. I truly thought I was a bad communicator.
I worked for a woman fifteen years my senior who criticized my every move. She could have mentored me but instead kept me small. My next manager was a man whose lizard tongue darted out uncontrollably as he stared at my chest.
I hated being in groups with other women as I viewed us as second class. The kool-aid was strong and I drank several glasses too many.
It’s been a process of recovery.
It’s been delicious to wake up from the drug and see feel hear know the beauty in all my sisters.
Nothing was more crushing than the criticisms attacks and loss of our Hillary. Nothing will make us rise harder from the flames than the misogyny we are endlessly combatting, the misogyny others say doesn’t exist.
Clearly it wasn’t the emails as you don’t seem to care when Mike Pence does it.
She was too strong, too smart, too experienced, too good.
Who did she think she was?! She was flawed.
Well, America certainly told her.
My niece recently told me she broke up with her boyfriend because he was unconsciously misogynistic. I have never felt so proud of her. Every story she told about him, about the things he said to her, I responded with “good for you.”
She’s awake. She’s twenty-six. She’s kick-ass.
I’m blessed to know beautiful feminist men. Men who amplify all the women around them. Men who see our strength, grace and beauty in our truest form. Men who love powerful and smart women because they are powerful and smart women.
I know so many fierce women who are fighting the good fight. Who love on each other harder because we’re sisters. Who are elevating each other to highest form. Who would go to the ends of the earth for each other because we get it, because we’re in it together.
We lose each time we pay a woman less, we let a rapist get off, we value men over the women who gave us life.
I have learned to re-love being a woman.
We give life.
We are earth.
We birthed you.
Elevate us today as we elevate you.
Elevate us everyday.
Wear red. Make calls. Never stop fighting for what is right.
I am in love with you –
:: genessa

Follow the Money


The last 20 months, and in particular, the last 45 days (since Jan 21) are like a bad movie. The end seems near, although it's so hard to tell. Do you think our heroine will reappear to save Democracy? 

If you haven't been doing so, I recommend watching Rachel Maddow and following Louise Mensch on Twitter. These two women are on it, - following the long, crooked and stinky money trail.

The Regime is tied to some really bad deals and bad people. They may even be tied to people funding terrorism. We MUST see his tax returns.

Pence isn't clean either. Remember he's their savior, their knight of white supremacy. He lies, cheats and deceives while in Church. The email server hypocrisy and hatred of women and gays is awfully suspicious. Where there is a white man vehementlyobstructing gay justice, there is a latent self-loathing homosexual. I can't wait for that plot line.

The whole Regime needs to topple, Lyin' Ryan included. And while we can see the light, they are pulling harder on the wool to cover the eyes with lies to their supporters. I imagine you know the list of ridiculous and disgusting. 

Our role stays the same, we are the endlessly squeaky wheel. Same actions as yesterday. We make the same calls daily until change happens. Affordable Care Act moves to the top of the list as they are pushing a bill that benefits the rich and screws the poor.

I really can't wait until we vote these fools out of office. 2018 is just a moment away.






  • H.R. 861 – Terminate the EPA
  • H.R. 610 – Tax dollars for Private Schools
  • H.R. 899 – Terminate the Dept of Education
  • H.R. 69 Repeal the rule to project wildlife
  • H.R. 370 Repeal the Affordable Care Act
  • H.R. 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
  • H.R. 785 National Right-to-Work legislation (this will cripple the unions)
  • H.R. 83 Mobilizing against sanctuary cities (strips these cities of federal funding)
  • H.R. 147 Criminalize Abortion

1. Wednesday, March 8th, The Day Without a Woman
If you can -

  • Women take the day off, from paid and unpaid labor
  • Avoid shopping for one day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses).
  • Wear RED in solidarity with A Day Without A Woman

2. Wednesday, March 15 - THE IDES OF TRUMP postcard campaign to trump expressing our outrage.

3. April 15 Tax Day March & Black Lives Matters. 

LOVE LOVE LOVE. It is all we need. 
:: genessa



My wife once suggested I title my memoir (assuming I write a memoir) “Fuck You Fucks You”.

We were walking on the beach and I was ranting about the multitude of times my ego’d attitude ate me alive. How, throughout my young life, when I perceived the slightest slight, I huffed and puffed and blew my own house down.
My quick draw of rage seemingly protected me from rejection, disappointment and pain.
“Yeah, you’re going do that to me, well wait and see what I’m going to do to you.”
What I thought was being done to me was all in my head, reared in an attachment that I deserved more...just because I did.
It’s the fuck you of entitlement, the belief that I was owed something simply because I showed up. It’s the ultimate defense mechanism. It kept me from being accountable and responsible for where and how I was.
And it did not keep me safe from rejection, disappointment and pain.
Those feelings festered.
With each fuck you literally and metaphorically spewed, I hurt myself.
Each time I turned away and slammed a door, I locked out opportunity, love, generosity, growth and my own evolution.
We are living in a huge Fuck You moment.
Our elected officials are in love with Fuck You. They are stripping away our rights to clean air, good health, education, healthy food, healthy everything.
Thing is they need these things as much as, we, the progressively minded do.
The Regime can’t stop spewing Fuck You to everybody who pulls back the curtain just the slightest bit.
And we’ve given them permission to do this. We’ve made it okay to yell at strangers, to hate on strangers, to blame others for our own existence.
Of course when I say we, I don’t mean you, I mean US. All of us.
We saw I Am Not Your Negro and I, again, felt horrified by the inhumanity of people, by my inhumanity.

I read Hillbilly Elegy and I can’t stop thinking about the story of young people quitting their jobs because the start time was too early and then blaming Obama for not having jobs.
With each fuck you, somebody else is accountable, somebody else is to blame, somebody else did this to us.

The DNC.
Crooked Hillary - 
it makes me sick to write those two words. 

These are hurtful times. It's painful to be yelled at endlessly. It’s painful to witness the unaccountability and disrespect of all we hold dear. It’s overwhelming actually.

We did this and we will undo this. We have been taught to value stuff, to buy more, to have more, to consume consume consume.
This is not why we are here on earth, in this body, for this finite amount of time.
We are here to love more.
To give more.
To grow more.
To share.
Hug. And kiss.
To be gentle.
To be forgiving.
To be kind.
To be open and flexible.
To work towards the greater good.

John Wesley said it. Hillary repeated it - do all the good you can, to all the people you can, for however as long as ever you can.
We will survive these times by being love, being peace, being awake, being kind, being active.
As we’ve been saying in our household, Don’t Worry. Be Active.
In love and gratitude to each of you, to my wife, to my community and to this very sacred precious life –






  • H.R. 861 – Terminate the EPA
  • H.R. 610 – Tax dollars for Private Schools
  • H.R. 899 – Terminate the Dept of Education
  • H.R. 69 Repeal the rule to project wildlife
  • H.R. 370 Repeal the Affordable Care Act
  • H.R. 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
  • H.R. 785 National Right-to-Work legislation (this will cripple the unions)
  • H.R. 83 Mobilizing against sanctuary cities (strips these cities of federal funding)
  • H.R. 147 Criminalize Abortion

LOVE LOVE LOVE. It is all we need. 
:: genessa

A Good Friday


I'm feeling gushy this morning. It's Friday. Another wild ride of weirdness is winding down. Phew.

And there is much good -

  • Moonlight is still the Best Picture.
  • When We Rise premiered on National Television. 
  • George W is back on the scene and adored by everybody. Hindsight is so funny. 
  • The Obamas closed a ridiculously large book deal which I'm certain they will use the proceeds for good. 
  • The Regime continues to lie and obfuscate and yet, the truth comes out. Thank you Washington Post.
  • Racists will crumble.
  • Crooks will be caught.
  • Obamacare will prevail.
  • We will right the wrongs.

Yes, we still have endless work to do, which is what it is.

And I woke this morning with my heart is bursting with love and appreciation for you.

You, the warrior of love, truth, honesty, humanity, possibility, goodness. 

You, the upstanding citizen, green card holder, immigrant.

You, old and new friends and strangers who talk on the street.

You, who values black lives, women lives, immigrants lives, science, water, earth, mother, bears, wolves, dogs, cats and kindness.

You, who has decided our voices together are stronger, that we the people, matter more than anything else.

I am exulted by you. 

The focus remains - Russia. Taxes. Jeff Sessions. 2018.

1. Keeping calling your Senators about Russia, Taxes and Jeff Sessions. 

Demand an independent investigation. Sally Yeats could do it.
Demand trump release his tax returns. Demand Jeff Sessions resign. 

2. DONATE to Jon Ossoff. Or Volunteer. Turn Georgia blue.

3. TRACK what seats are up in 2018. All of the House. Boy Bye Lyin' Ryan. Please make it true. 25 Senators. 17 Governors. Are they in your state? Who's running? Help educate us. 

ACLU. Greenpeace. Earth Justice. Standing Rock. Planned Parenthood. Ocean Conservatory. Humane Society. Reel Grrls. Trevor Project. Everytown for Gun Safety. Human Rights Campaign. And so on...

5. SUPPORT NEWS YOU VALUE. Lately, I can't stop buying young people subscriptions to Teen Vogue. 


We are the majority. We are the lovers. We are the truth sayers. We are the beacons of light, hope, possibility, perseverance. We're here. We're queer. Get used to it.